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How To Hire Maid Without Agency

Can I Hire a Maid Without Agency

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As employers consider their options to hire a maid in Singapore, many are tempted to employ a maid without agency.

Many want to save on the agency service fee (and that is perfectly reasonable because some agencies charge very high prices!).

With so much available information online and social media channels to directly contact foreign domestic helpers, this is an option that one can consider.

Nevertheless, employing a maid in Singapore without an agency entails:

  • Navigating through complex legal procedures;
  • Managing potential challenges independently;
  • And, inexperience in evaluating a helper’s compatibility with your household.

If you are ready to accept all the headaches of doing it yourself, then soldier on! 🫡

Where Do I Source Maid Candidates For My Home?

Can I Hire a Maid Without Agency?

Source: Pexels

Maid agencies used to be necessary since they had access to labour sources in overseas countries.

In the age of the internet, maid want-to-be is able to match with employers without having an agent involve. (🤔 Does that mean agencies are obsolete?)

Platforms like HelperPlace and Facebook groups are some of the most popular sites for maid candidates to advertise to employers.

(💡Did you know it is against MOM rules for agencies to advertise their maid profiles with their pictures online?)

Hire A New Maid From Overseas Or A Transfer Maid In Singapore

Can I Hire a Maid Without Agency?

Source: Pexels

There are 2 main ways to hire a maid.

Either hire a new maid from overseas (a.k.a Direct Hire) or a transfer maid who is already in Singapore. 🇸🇬

Depending on your household needs, you may hire a transfer maid over a new maid, or vice-versa.

Directly Hire A New Maid From Overseas

As an employer, you will need to comply with the set of requirements set by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM).

Identify the candidates for your household through online platforms.

Make sure the helper complies with MOM’s legal requirements and apply for the maid’s Work Permit through the MOM website.

Get an In-Principle Approval (IPA) Letter, and apply for maid insurance

Transfer Maids That Are Already Working In Singapore Into Your Home

Ensure the helper completes their 6-monthly medical examination.

Obtain authorisation online via email from the current employer. The process has to be completed in a specific time frame.

Ensure the legality of the employment by the maid’s home country.
(Tip: check with the embassy of the host country in Singapore)

Print and sign the declaration form together with the maid after obtaining the IPA.

Signing of employment contract that complies with MOM rules and regulations.

Submit the signed form to MOM to receive a Temporary Work Permit (TWP) for the maid, allowing her to start working for you.

The Reality Of Hiring Maids Without Agency Is Constant Headache

Can I Hire a Maid Without Agency?

Source: Pexels

Today, many online resources are available to guide you (such as this one).

However, the actual process in practice can be very painful and stressful. 😕

First, it takes a lot of time and effort to understand the whole hiring process and how to hire legally.

The many rules and paperwork involved can confuse you, leading to mistakes and delaying the hiring process.

And without experience in dealing with maids, you face the risk of missing the red flags about the maid.

This can lead to an incompatible helper and an unharmonious household.

Furthermore, there can be many unforeseen circumstances when it comes to hiring (eg. What if the maid has cold feet when she is at the airport? 😰)

Going down this road can become more expensive than expected, and take up more time than imagined.

Is time a luxury that you can afford?

Employ Maids Without Any Hassle With Bee Lee Maid Agency

Can I Hire a Maid Without Agency?

Finding a reliable maid agency can take care of all those headaches for you.

Bee Lee has been placing maids in Singaporean households for a decade.

With our extensive experience in the industry, we are well-versed in the maid hiring process.

Bee Lee will seek to understand the specific needs of your household and find the most suitable candidates for your family.

After interviewing the various candidates, and your choice is made, we will manage the entire process, while you spend time with your family, loved ones, hobbies, and work.

These things are what matter the most in life.

Spend less time on paperwork and more time enjoying your life.

Contact Bee Lee today to schedule an appointment and find the perfect domestic helper for your household.

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