How To Interview Maid?

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The process of hiring a domestic helper can be a daunting task (especially for first-time employers). 

A wrong choice can lead to frustration, costing precious time and money. 😞

But how does one make the right choice? đŸ€”

The key to finding the perfect fit lies in the interview phase.  

Asking the right questions during the interview can ensure that you find a reliable maid for your home. 

What Questions To Ask Maid In An Interview?

Source: Pexels

It’s essential to prepare a list of questions to ask during the interview to gauge the candidate’s skills and experience.

Tailor your questions specifically to your needs.

(🔍 Identify your primary motivation for hiring a maid – childcare, housekeeping, elderly care etc.)

A well-structured interview can help you identify whether they are suitable for your household.

Icebreaker Questions to Make the Candidate Feel Comfortable

How To Interview Maid?

Start the interview with icebreaker questions to create a relaxed atmosphere. 

Ask questions that help you get to know the candidate on a personal level.

This will help the candidate feel more comfortable and open up during the conversation.

  1. What are your hobbies?
  2. What’s your favourite type of food to cook? 
  3. What’s a fun fact about you that most people don’t know?
  4. What’s a place in your home country that you think everyone should visit?
  5. How is your family back in your home country?

Personal Background Questions to Assess the Candidate’s Personality

Ask questions that delve deeper into the candidate’s personality, motivations, and passion.

Find out what prompted them to work as a domestic helper and what they hope to achieve in their career.

  1. Why did you choose to work in Singapore?
  2. Why do you want to work as a domestic helper?
  3. How long do you plan to work?
  4. How do you prefer spending your rest day each week?

Beginner Questions For New Maids

New maids are unfamiliar with the culture, and untested in working in Singapore.

Ensure that the maids are trained by letting them describe how they will do their job.

  1. Describe how to take care of children/elderly?
  2. Do you have any fear of pets (or anything)?
  3. Describe how you will clean the house? (give specific scenarios like grease on the table)
  4. If you work in Singapore, who will take care of your family in your home country?
  5. What do you know about the Singapore culture?

Questions For Transfer Maids

Transfer maids are familiar with working in Singapore, and may even be good at speaking English or Mandarin at this point.

It is important to check why they transferred to ensure the transfer is not due to problematic behaviour. 

(💡Tip: Maid Agencies would have vetted the transfer maid profile and will likely not try to place a trouble-making maid.)

  1. How long have you work in Singapore and what do you like about working here?
  2. Was the last employer treating you well?
  3. Why did you leave the last employer?
  4. What was your job scope previously?
  5. What do you usually do on your off day?

Maid Elderly Care Questions 

How To Interview Maid?

Source: Pexels

If the job requires caring for elderly family members, ask questions about the candidate’s experience with elderly care. 

The answers to these questions should give you a good gauge of their experience in handling elderly. 

Depending on the specific situation of the elderly person, and adjust the questions accordingly.

  1. What experience do you have in taking care of elderly?
  2. Describe how to change elderly diaper or shower them.
  3. How to push wheelchairs and assist elderly disabilities?
  4. How will you give medicine to the elderly?
  5. How do you response to elderly people, especially if they are impatient?

Maid Child Care Questions 

How To Interview Maid?

Source: Pexels

Childcare support is common in two working parent household. 

In most cases, the maid must be reliable and can handle caring for young children when parents are not at home.

Ensure they are able to feed the baby and are able to handle any sudden emergencies by themselves.

  1. What experience do you have in taking care of the baby?
  2. Describe how you will bottle-feed baby milk.
  3. Are you okay to sleep in the same room with the baby and be ready to wake up in the wee hours?
  4. What will you do if the baby falls sick?
  5. Describe how you will prepare baby food.

How Long Should A Maid Interview Be?

Generally, a 15-30 minute interview, where the maid has enough time to answer your questions, is good.

Do not prepare too many questions to avoid rushing the interview process.

Schedule Maid Interview In Advance

How To Interview Maid?

Source: Pexels

If you’re conducting the interview via phone or video call, ensure a stable connection and a quiet environment. 

Schedule the interview at a convenient time for both you and the candidate, allowing enough time for a thorough discussion.

(The maid agency will schedule the interview appointment, so just share your availability.🙋)

Apart from just asking these questions, it is important to assess whether the maid can communicate well with you.

Furthermore, be mindful if they seem to be disinterested (bo chap) or if they show up late.

In any doubt, Bee Lee Maid Agency has been interviewing maids for over a decade and can step in to facilitate the interview. ⭐

Contact Bee Lee now and schedule a maid interview today!

Related to Interview Maid:

Is It Worth It To Directly Hire A Domestic Helper?

Renewing A Domestic Helper Work Permit Step-by-Step